BHP OPERATION - Szkolenia BHP Warszawa - Ośrodek Doskonalenia Kadr - ERGON

BHP operation

Employers shoulder the responsibility of instructing their subordinates about the need to maintain health and safety in the workplace. Educating employees helps to reduce the risk of accidents at work.

Many employers do not have the right staff that can take health and safety full-service in the company. It is a good idea to take advantage of offers from outside companies which under outsourcing agreement will address the full service associated with safety and health at work.

Health and safety awareness may consist of conducting safety training (initial, periodic, instruction) and development documentation for accident at work, periodic reviews of safety and the development of risk assessment. It also conducts periodic monitoring of compliance by health and safety experts in the workplace.

Where to find such assistance? Personnel Training Centre-ERGON has a long history of providing comprehensive health and safety services. The Centre meets all requirements regarding occupational safety consultancy. It is located in Warsaw.

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